Brandon community logo over a close up image of marimba keys and mallets.


The orchestra is pictured at our 2023 spring concert - Song and Dance - with conductor Nikki Boylan.

Musicians stand holding instruments on a raised stage under bright lights. A conductor in a black dress smiles to acknowledge applause.

2016 Gala Concert with conductor Jarrett Fuller and concertmaster Jason Van Wynsberghe. This concert marked our 30th anniversary, which we celebrated with founding members Erma Wyness, Mel Roberts, and Gwyn Pickering.

Musicians sit and stand in rows hoolding instruments, on a large stage.

Founding Members at our 30th Anniversary.

Three musicians pose together, dressed in black wearing corsages. They are Erma Wyness and Gwyn Pickering holding violins, and Mel Roberts holding a clarinet.

© 2024 Brandon Symphony Orchestra Association